Sun, 08 September, 2024

UML to back CM Sodari in Sudurpaschim Province without joining government

Staff Reporter May 15, 2024

Dhangadi : The CPN-UML has resolved to extend its support to Chief Minister (CM) Dirgha Sodari of CPN (Unified Socialist) in Sudurpaschim Province.

CM Sodari is slated to undergo a vote of confidence on Thursday.

While CPN-UML has announced its backing for CM Sodari in the confidence vote, it will not participate in the government led by CM Sodari.

“Our parliamentary party meeting has endorsed the decision to support CM Sodari,” stated UML parliamentary party leader Rajendra Singh Rawal.

The decision by UML follows Unified Socialist’s decision to support CM Hikmat Karki of UML in Koshi Province.

