Wed, 16 October, 2024

China official infamous for keeping 58 staff members as lovers, amassing illegal funds, jailed

Zoey Zhang Sep 22, 2024

A notorious female official from southwest China has been sentenced to 13 years in prison and fined one million yuan (US$140,000) for misconduct, including having sexual relations with 58 subordinates and accepting nearly 60 million yuan in bribes.

Zhong Yang, 52, formerly served as the governor and deputy secretary of the Party in Qiannan prefecture, Guizhou province. She grew up in a modest family, studied history at university, and joined the Communist Party at 22, eventually rising to the rank of deputy in the National People’s Congress (NPC).

Renowned for her striking looks, she was often referred to as “the beautiful governor” during her tenure. Zhong never married and had no children.

She gained recognition for founding a fruit and agriculture association aimed at aiding farmers and spent her own funds to support the elderly in need.

However, a January documentary produced by Guizhou Radio and Television uncovered the troubling aspects of her career. Reports indicated that Zhong accepted bribes and leveraged her position to ensure that favoured companies received lucrative contracts under the pretext of government investment.

For instance, she approved the development of 170,000 square metres of land in a hi-tech industrial estate for a businessman with whom she had a close relationship. That businessman subsequently converted the land for real estate development, from which Zhong allegedly profited significantly.
A private business owner has alleged that Zhong neglected companies without personal ties to her, which stifled the growth of private businesses in the region.

According to reports from NetEase News, along with her pursuit of power and wealth, Zhong engaged in numerous affairs with male subordinates, using excuses like “working overtime” and “business trips” to spend time with her male lovers.

According to the outlet, some men chose to be her lovers due to the advantages she offered, while others reluctantly participated out of fear of her authority. Zhong is said to have had 58 lovers and was frequently seen in private nightclubs, reportedly carrying condoms in her handbag.

In April last year, the Guizhou government initiated an investigation into her actions, leading to her sentencing for corruption. In addition to a 13-year prison term and a fine of one million yuan, her position in the NPC was revoked.

On September 1, she was expelled from the Communist Party and ousted from public office, marking one of the most severe political penalties for officials in China.

In the documentary, Zhong expressed regret, stating: “My corruption came from the misguided belief that I needed to cultivate a few trusted businessmen to help me handle political issues.”

Zhong reflected on her upbringing, noting that after she became an official, her parents would prepare a simple dish of green vegetables and boiled tofu each Chinese New Year.
“They would tell me that my work and life should reflect the cleanliness and purity of that dish. I consumed the food, but their advice never resonated with me,” she said.

As a public servant, Zhong acknowledged her duty to foster a fair and just environment for market development.

“I am ashamed of my actions,” she stated. “When you take something that doesn’t belong to you, it will ultimately destroy you.” Her story has ignited significant criticism across mainland social media.

One user commented on Weibo: “There are so many officials like Zhong, selfish and corrupt, that prevent hard-working businesses from thriving.”

Another expressed sympathy for her parents: “I feel sorry for her poor parents. I can imagine how disappointed and heartbroken they must be.”

