Sun, 08 September, 2024

HoR approves proposal seeking consideration on Appropriation Bill

Staff Reporter Jun 06, 2024

Kathmandu : The meeting of the House of Representatives approved the proposal, seeking consideration on ‘Appropriation Bill, 2081’.  It was endorsed by the majority.     

In today’s meeting, the proposal seeking consideration on the Bill was tabled by Finance Minister Barshaman Pun.     

Earlier, Finance Minister Pun responded to lawmakers’ queries during the theoretical discussion on the bill. He made it clear that the Bill had to be presented in the parliament to authorize the spending of the federal reserve fund for the services and works and to allocate that amount for the next fiscal year accordingly.     

According to him, Rs 1457 billion was proposed for the spending from the current expenditure, capital expenditure and financial management combined. Most of the issues had come as before, while only few are new in it.     

He argued that the bill would help the concerned ministries implement the budget effectively.     

Lawmakers Dayal Bahadur Shahi, Rajan Kumar KC, Hitraj Pandey and Prem Suwal participated in the theoretical discussion on the proposal.

