Fri, 20 September, 2024

NC takes 9 ministries including Home, 8 including Finance to UML

NC to send Lekhak to Home, UML's Paudel to take charge of Finance

Staff Reporter Jul 14, 2024

Kathmandu : Nepali Congress and CPN (UML), which are set to form a new government, have finalized the allotment of ministerial portfolios.

According to the agreement reached between the top leaders of both the parties, NC will lead nine ministries including Home while UML will take charge of eight ministries including Finance.

According to the agreement, UML will lead the ministries including Finance, Physical Planning, Communication, Education, Industry, General Administration and Land Reform.

Similarly, the NC will take charge of ministries including Home, Defense, Energy, Health, Urban Development, Tourism, Law, Agriculture and Forests.

Internal homework is going on in both parties as to who should be sent to which ministry.

According to the information received, UML will make Vice Chairman Bishnu Paudel the Finance Minister along with the Deputy Prime Minister, while the NC will entrust Prakash Man Singh with the responsibility of Deputy Prime Minister and send ministers to the government under his leadership.

NC leaders have said that they are ready to send Ramesh Lekhak, who is also the chief whip of the party, to lead the Ministry of Home Affairs.

According to Article 76 (2) of the Constitution of Nepal, UML Chairman KP Sharma Oli, who claimed for the post of Prime Minister, is poised to become the next Prime Minister today itself. He will be sworn-in as the new Prime Minister at 11 am on Monday.

Oli is making preparations to expand the cabinet after taking the oath from the President.

